Switching Home Loans

Switching home loans can help you save thousands of dollars in interest. It can also enable you to take advantage of the features offered by another loan. Dwell on important considerations and decide if the benefits of switching are worth the cost. Shop around Determine what loans are being offered

How Much does Buying a Home Cost?

First time home buyers are usually excited and enthusiastic with the prospect of purchasing a property of their own. And because of too much excitement, they tend to underestimate how much buying a home costs or they forget to take into account some important costs aside from the home buying

Buying Property with a Buddy

Even when there is limitation to funds, there are many options for an average Australian to become a property owner or investor. One of these options is co-ownership. Co-ownership occurs when a property was bought with a partner and the two incomes were used to meet the affordability and loan serviceability criteria. Each

How Big Should Your Nest Egg Be?

Size definitely matters when it comes to superannuation if you want to be financially secure when you retire. Hence you have to know how much money you’ll need when you stop working and to ensure that your employer as well as your own contributions are enough to compensate that goal. The amount

Money-Smarts for Bigger Savings

Making small changes in your lifestyle can help boost your savings and manage your budget. Here are some money-smarts for bigger savings and better budget. Save on Groceries Try these useful tips on your next trip at the supermarket: Make a list and stick with what’s written on it. This

By 2054, Expect to See 40,000 Australians Aged Over 100

Changes in Australia’s Population are Foreseen, How does this Affect You? In March, Treasurer of the Commonwealth of Australia, J. B. Hockey, published “The Intergenerational Report (IR)” which highlighted some significant – yet alarming – research & projections of changes in Australian demographics. Over the coming 40 years, Australia’s population is expected

Dealing with Property Buying

Buying a property can be stressful and nerve-wracking, especially if it is your first time to do so. Some even say that property buying can be an emotional rollercoaster. Hence, it will be very beneficial to know some strategies that can help you deal with property buying. Here are seven tactics